How to win a marathon | Beginners training schedule
" Marathon is a state of mind that says anything is possible " Winning in a marathon is not an easy process . Slow and steady run can help you to finish , but no matter . Anyone can finish marathon but only few can WIN So how to became a winner ? 1. Talent 2. Dedication 3. Hardwork These things can make winner and also believe in you . If you wanna win a marathon you should need good training schedule also . Here you have the best training schedule for your marathon ( Beginners version ) Training schedule Monday : Long Aerobic Running 1/2 to 1 hr Tuesday: Long Aerobic Running up to 1 hr Wednesday: Long Aerobic Running 1/2 hr Thursday: Long Aerobic Running up to 1 hr Friday : fartlek training* Saturday: Long Aerobic Running up to 2 hr Sunday : Long Aerobic Running 1/2 to 1 hr * Fartlek training : Speed training Run fast as you can Maximum distance 1k ** Do time trails (10k , 5k...